Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Week 9: Leadbelly

The theme this week was Leadbelly. I really liked all the songs that we got to choose from. When I listen to the songs, I have a playlist on my iTunes and I play it as I walk through campus and I rate the songs that stand out. This week, I rated almost all of them.

My favorites:

1.  "Corn Bread Rough" because it is so much fun, it sounds like something you would hear in a circus. This was the first song I gave 5 stars to in this playlist.

2. "Let It Shine On Me" because it's catchy. It gave me the most vivid visual of all the songs. It's the one I did my artwork on.

3. "In the Pines" what is the connection between this song and "Goodnight Irene?" The last verse of "In the Pines" is in "Goodnight Irene."

In the introduction of the reading, I really liked the part where Lomax says "... If you could count on finding that vase and those flowers on the table every night, wouldn't that be something?" I think it fits very nicely with this theme of recording music to make it last. Whenever you need it, it's always there because someone recorded it and made it that way.

I also really like the part where he sat down and had lunch with his African-American maid. He isn't just taking advantage and profiting from their music, he has a deep respect for them as people that was present even before he was invested in their music.

Another part that struck me was after Lomax had recorded a farm worker singing about the problems they had faced and then there was "immense joy in the group because they felt they had communicated their problem to the big world." I think that's kind of beautiful. Mostly because the joy is two-way, but also because it's very true. The best way that we learn about the conditions and the history of the time is through song.  In one of the readings from week 4, there was a quote, "The music was explaining the history as the history was explaining the music." That's exactly it.

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